Claire is obsessed with having long hair. She thinks that everyone with long hair is beautiful. She wants her hair as long as possible... no matter what. Even though our daily hair routine starts and stops with screaming and tears, she still wants long hair. Today we were in Walmart and she saw a woman walk by. I did not see her right away, but Claire made her VERY evident to me. Claire started jumping up and down YELLING " Mommy, I want hair like THAT!!!" "LIKE HERS!!!" As I looked up, I saw a woman with hair that would have reached the ground if it would not have been wrapped around her waist. Yes, that's right folks, it was braided, and then threaded through her belt loops
like a belt. So, my response to Claire you might ask? "Maybe when your older Claire, maybe when you older." I think I might have laughed a little too! I don't know why I am always amazed by the things I see and hear at that store... you would think I would walk in there looking for a story. Is it just me, or do you have fun times in that place too?!
On a side note, Claire and Luke love to say the prayers at every meal, and bed time. It is so sweet to hear them pray for all the things and people that are special to them. They never forget to mention Mommy, Daddy, Claire and Luke (usually several times each) they sometime throw in Shelby (the cat) and Bailey (the dog). Nana and Papa's always are included, and if Claire is in charge of the Prayer she always throws in something special... She talks about God, Jesus, and "Thank you for the rain and the beauuuutiful rainbow that God created!!!" While she says this line she throws her head back and arches her hand across the sky mimicking a rainbow. It is the sweetest thing... but it always makes Jeff and I laugh. She is SO dramatic and full of life! What a blessing we have been given!
Today Claire made a drawing of "The beauuuutiful world that God created" (that's how she says it!)
(clouds at the top, a rainbow, flowers, and grass... pretty good for a 3 year old!)
WEll..........I know my grandaughter is brillant! Not only smart....she is a bright light in this world!
Nana Sara
Nana's right. Bright lights are very lovable and Claire's right up there. Thanks for helping the children learn to pray.
Unc Gary
Tell Claire I said: "That picture is just beauuuuuutiful" (i'm waving my hand in the air.......) I remember when I was little I thought long hair = beauty, now hair past a certain point seems more like a health risk :)
We had a beauuuuuuutiful rainbow outiside our house yesterday. I put a picture of it on my blog. It doesn't do it justice. Tell Claire I agree with her. Rainbows are beauuuuuutiful.
Seriously? She's beauuuuuutiful AND talented, too? She is amazing!!
What a great picture! She's so advanced! We sure do love you guys and your kids.
Wow! Great picture. I can't convince Lawton to color at all, much less draw. Maybe he can do something like that when he's 15! Oh, and that braided hair sounds so gross! Yuck!
I'm so impressed with Claire's artistic abilities!!! She must get that from her mama!!!
The long hair story is so cute. What a funny girl!!
Hope everyone is doing great!! We miss you guys!! Every time we drive by a Chic fil a, Hud asks if we'll see Claire and Luke there!!! Sweet boy!!
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