I thought I would post a list of all the things that I am thankful for. I have read so many blogs in the last few days with similar lists, and I think it is a great idea. First, here is a picture of what our new baby probably looks like. It is not really our baby, just a representation. Today I am 12 weeks pregnant, 28 weeks to go! Anyways, here is a list of things that I am thankful and greatful for... My relationship with God. Jeff, because he loves me unconditionally and because he can always make me laugh. Claire, because she is the sweetest little girl in the whole world. Our new baby. Mom and Dad, because I can always depend on them. Home. Friends. Sarah and Ryan because they were so thoughtful to include us for Thanksgiving. FBCOC. Good neighbors. Grandparents. Jeff's job. Being able to stay at home with Claire. Ben and Liz, Kevin and Angie, Paula, Melissa, Halie and Katie, Jeff and Lisa. Little friends for Claire. Ok, I could go on and on, and I know I have left some things off. These are the things that I have been thankful for today. I hope that you all have a great Thanksgiving with people you are thankful for. Don't eat to much!!!
I'm thankful to spend thanksgiving with jeff, emily, claire, and baby
I'm thankful that Em, Jeff and Claire get to have family come for Thanksgiving, and that Claire gets to see her grandparents!
I love you guys - Happy Thanksgiving!
Great post! It is great to make a list of things you are thankful for - maybe we should remind ourselves to make this list in July or any other non-Thanksgiving month! I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you even though I know it will be a while. Kiss Claire for me and tell her I'm shopping today for her birthday!
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